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The Fundamentals

Natural disasters can be unpredictable and devastating. And it’s impossible to overstate the importance of having a plan in place if they occur. To ensure your family is ready for anything, MyRedFolder has provided some essential information and advice on how to create an emergency plan, what should go in your natural disaster emergency kit, and more.

Create an Emergency Plan

The first and most critical step to take when preparing for a natural disaster is to develop a comprehensive emergency plan with your family. Habitat for Humanity recommends discussing where you will meet if you become separated, which communication methods you will use, and who will be responsible for which tasks.

It’s also important to designate someone outside the home as the point of contact; that way, everyone can stay updated on each other’s whereabouts. Moreover, the Insurance Information Institute suggests discussing evacuation routes from your home and workplace. Practice these routes regularly, so every family member knows precisely what to do in an emergency situation.

Emergency Kit Essentials

Every home needs an emergency kit that includes essential items you might need during a natural disaster. Include water (one gallon per person per day), nonperishable food items, a first-aid kit, flashlights, batteries, battery-powered radios, and any other items necessary for your kit.

While you’re at it, include copies of essential documents like birth certificates and passports in case they become damaged or lost during the disaster. It’s also wise to keep extra cash on hand since power outages could restrict your access to making electronic payments.

If you have pets, make sure that you have high quality leashes, harnesses, and crates on hand that you can grab quickly to keep them safe. Click here to find veterinarian-reviewed products online to ensure you’re getting a high quality product because your pets will be scared and may try to run away. It’s important to keep them secure and protected until things stabilize.

As a Business Owner

If you run a business from home, you’ll need to consider how to protect it if a natural disaster befalls your area. Start by identifying the potential risks. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and fires each present a unique set of challenges that could limit or disrupt access to power, water, or other essential services. After identifying the hazards, create an evacuation plan and designate meeting points in case you need to quickly instruct your staff during an emergency.

You should also research the process of filing a claim with insurance providers in the event of damage or losses from natural disasters; that way, you’re prepared if something happens. Keep in mind that your homeowners’ insurance may not cover costs related to your home-based business. You’ll likely need to purchase a separate business owners’ policy or see if you can add an endorsement on your homeowners’ policy.

Further, consider how technology can streamline important processes relevant to natural disasters — such as data backups and security protocols — so that all your essential information remains safe and secure no matter what happens. It might be helpful to invest in alternative energy sources like generators or solar panels as insurance against power outages or blackouts caused by storms, floods, or other events.

Plan Ahead with a Home Warranty

It’s also a good idea to plan ahead by investing in a home warranty. When you understand the situations that are included, you find that a home warranty provides peace of mind by safeguarding against unexpected and potentially costly repairs or replacements of essential home systems and appliances. With a home warranty in place, you can budget for maintenance expenses more effectively, knowing that many unexpected costs will be covered.

Stay Informed

It’s crucial to stay up-to-date on weather reports when living in an area prone to natural disasters. Doing so will allow you to adequately prepare yourself and your family for potential emergencies.

Make sure all your family members can identify the warning signs of different types of disasters so that you can all act quickly if needed. Being informed about potential disasters will also give you peace of mind that you’re prepared for uncertainties.

Put a Plan in Place

Knowledge is power when preparing for a natural disaster. By having an emergency plan and kit at the ready, your family will be equipped to stay safe during any unexpected events that may arise. Remember that having a reliable plan could mean the difference between life and death. Be sure to follow the tips above and continue learning how to create a safety plan that’s tailored to the specific needs of your family and business!


MYREDFOLDER® is provided by the National Emergency Planning and Training Association, which is dedicated to the systematic process of preparation and recovery in the event of a disaster, emergency, or unforeseen occurrence. Contact us today to learn more! (888) 267 9990

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